Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BoBo Shot

The BoBo shot is a drinking game that requires endurance in liquor consumption and some intelligence (but not needed, just common sense). The game was introduce by Ulrich and gained instant prestige to the group members (the whole pack loved it). This game is no fun when the players are not yet at least a fraction drunk, so players must drink some few first then proceed to the BoBo shot.


  1. Player’s mut be atleast 5 but not more than 10. (or you may get lost track of those answer)
  2. All players must be at least a fraction drunk.
  3. Ton’s of Screw Driver or Beer, whatever is available.

How to play:

  1. The host or the moderator of the gathering will pick the first category of the game.
  2. The category must only be in a general knowledge of the public. But may change if you are playing this with players with the same college course that you took. In short categories must be knowable to all the players.
  3. The person, who picked the category, can choose the direction of the game flow, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. For the first category pick of the game there will be no time limit set, and after the first pick of the category 45 seconds will be counted. If you fail to give a category after the respected time, you are required to take a shot. You will have the maximum 3 shots if you were not been able to give a category, after that, the category picking will then be returned to the host or moderator. If there’s a circumstance that the host or moderator was the final taker of the shot. Anyone can give the category, if there are more than one to volunteer- flip a coin.
  4. The player who cannot answer within 5 seconds shall lose and need to take a shot. If the player answered someone answer’s the timer will be reset. But if the player is just guessing and his/her answer is not relevant to the category, the timer would not be reset.
  5. The loses only have 25 seconds to take his/her shot, if he/she fails to do so, double shot will be implemented.
  6. Points are counted by how many you have not answered. The player with the least score wins and the one with the high score lose. The looser will be lined to the hall of shame and will be crowned the bobo of the night.


The game did not originate on our group. There are tons of other similar drinking games as the bobo shot. Ulrich and the group do not take full credits on this drinking game. But if you are going to use our rule book, at least be generous enough to say it was from Ulrich.

Still in Progress....

Comment for any kind of revision

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